8 Tips For a Successful Facebook Advertising Campaign


Rajesh O

Sr. Manager - Digital Marketing

As Facebook continues to grow, the company is also adding several features to their advertising platform. At the same time, millions of brands and advertisers are promoting their products and services on Facebook every day. The options for the consumers are endless. How do you, then, ensure that they notice you and more importantly choose you. Here are eight useful points that brands advertising on Facebook should keep in mind to run a successful paid campaign on Facebook:

1. Be very clear about your Objectives

As for any marketing campaign a clear, measurable objective is important while running Facebook ads. What do you want to achieve?

  • Do you want to boost website traffic?
  • Do you want to generate leads by offering something in return?
  • Are you doing a one-off promotion to generate quick sales for a specific product?

When you are clear about your campaign objectives, you know which metrics to measure and monitor. You will also be in a better position to optimize your campaigns

2. Have a very clear value proposition that you can talk about

Most businesses have several competitors, all gunning for the same target audience. So why should the customer choose your product or service? Your value proposition is the reason why a customer might consider you against your competitor. With a great value proposition, you can spark that interest in your customer’s mind, make them engage with your message and take that extra effort to know you more.

How to lay down your value proposition clearly?

  • Describe the unique benefits of your product or service in a clear and crisp manner. Highlight what the user would achieve by clicking on the ad and visiting your website/ landing page.
  • Make sure you use relevant images that depict customer satisfaction.
  • Your ad copy should be clear, concise and impactful – and of course easy to understand.

Don’t forget to test your ad copies, images and ad type to understand the best way to get your value proposition across to your audience.

3. Be precise in your audience Targeting

Facebook audience numbers are huge. One mistake in targeting and your marketing fund could go down the drain in no time. Inaccurate audience targeting can cause wastage of your resources as well as your complete effort.

The last thing you want to do is to show your ads to an audience that has no interest in your product or is not within the serviceable region of your product.

4. Make sure you are using the right Facebook ad type

Facebook has numerous ad types. Each ad type has its own benefits and drawbacks. Thus, you need to choose your ad type wisely. Currently the available Ad types are:

  • Photos (with size options)
  • Videos
  • Carousel (multiple images or videos in one ad)
  • Slideshows
  • Canvas
  • Collections (a single ad to showcase multiple products)

You then have to pick your ad placement and positioning, and based on your goals, determine the type of ad. These include:

  • Lead ads: use a pre-populated form to capture audience information.
  • Link ads: link back to your website with a CTA, such as Sign Up, Download, Learn More, Shop Now, etc.
  • Dynamic ads: use a template wherein the ad creative is automatically customized based on the products your audience viewed on your website.

Let’s say you have a very limited budget for the campaign. In such a scenario, it is not recommended to use desktop ads, as they can be expensive and will get you a very poor ROAS ( Return on advertising spend). You can look at Mobile in this case as they are comparatively less expensive.

5. Avoid running too many ads at the same time

By running too many ads you could be reducing the creative efficiency of your ads. It also becomes complex and tedious to track how your overall advertising budget is being spent.

Consider reducing the number of ads and allocate a good budget for each ad so that your ads can perform more efficiently and deliver better ROI.

6. Build awareness first. Lead generation becomes easier after that

While most marketers focus on selling at most times, your paid campaigns don’t necessarily have to focus only on the customers at the bottom of the funnel. Rather leverage the reach of Facebook ads to target the entire funnel. You can use Facebook ads to make a connection with your audience, and not just to push sales messages. Consider running different creatives for customers at the different stages of the funnel. For awareness you could leverage videos, guides etc. For those in the ‘consideration’ stage try to focus on free trials, demos or case studies. For those in the ‘decision’ stage you can look at offering discounts or using retargeting etc.

7. Optimize for all devices

We are sure that you are well aware of the role of mobile devices in content consumption in today’s time. Currently over 98% of active user accounts worldwide accessed Facebook via mobile devices, while almost 80% of users access Facebook only on a mobile device.

So now the most important question – Are you optimizing your ad creatives for mobile devices? If not, you could be missing out on several opportunities.

Make sure you use high quality and relevant images for your ad campaigns. Monitor which devices are your users using and focus on those.

8. Experiment with look-alike audiences

A Lookalike Audience is a way to reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they’re similar to your best existing customers. When you create a Lookalike Audience, you choose a source audience (a Custom Audience created with information pulled from your pixel, mobile app or fans of your Page). Facebook then identifies the common qualities of the people in it (for example, demographic information or interests) and then delivers your ad to an audience of people who are similar to (or “look like”) them.

You can base your lookalike audience on your most loyal customers, most engaged leads, or highest value subscribers, to deliver Facebook ads to people who are super similar to your offline customers.

To conclude, while it’s easy to set up and run an ad campaign on Facebook, one might end up with a low-performing campaign if they overlook some of these crucial pointers.

It would also make a lot of sense if you use content that delivers value for your customers rather than focussing just on your product or service. Focus on what they would want to see and would love to engage with.

Make connections, rest will follow.



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